Tag: tech talk
Understanding the Valve Trifecta, An Interview with Matt Hartfiel and Charles...
The valve trifecta consists of the highest quality, best delivery, and lowest price.
Transitioning to a Zero Emissions Actuation Solution for Shutdown
Since the early days of gas transmission pipeline valve automation, shutdown valve actuators have been powered using energy from the pipeline fuel gas pressure.
Navigating the AI Landscape in the Valve Manufacturing and Distribution Market:...
In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries worldwide, the valve manufacturing and distribution industry is poised to tap into this transformative technology.
Emergence of Valves in Social Media
Historically, marketing has been the domain of the consumer products industry. However, alongside the advances in valve technology, social media marketing is permeating the valve industry today.
Reliably Sealing Boric Acid in Nuclear
On April 26, 1986, the worst nuclear accident in recorded history occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine, former Soviet Union.
Three Steps to Ensure Control Valve Reliability in PSA Applications
Although high-quality valves are available from a range of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), valve performance issues will invariably occur.
Emergence of Valves in Social Media
Historically, marketing has been the domain of the consumer products industry.
What is New with API 6D?
How changes reflected in the 25th edition of this widely used specification, API 6D will affect manufacturers, engineering contractors, and operators.
An Introduction of Failure Analysis for Valves
Few things are more dreaded in a plant than a catastrophic failure – the moment a component considered sound suddenly snaps without warning. Valves are known to have suffered such failures, and it is common for technicians to start a failure analysis to discover the root cause of what went wrong. Failure analysis is a complex process, that may require assistance from many disciplines.
Valve Technology
The basic ball valve remains the main stay for the majority of process control applications in industrial manufacturing operations while technology has evolved to adapt its use for more and more efficient and complex automated applications.