Featured Story

Our Featured articles are long reads that require more reading time than our news articles. In this section, you can find our cover stories, compelling content featuring prominent manufacturers, end-user interview with valve experts around the world, in-depth technical articles and interesting project reports from various industries, ranging from oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical to power generation, pharmaceuticals and food and beverage industries.

Revolutionizing Valve Technology: The Impact of Smart Materials and Additive Manufacturing

Valves, as critical components of fluid control systems across various sectors, have witnessed significant advancements over the years.

FAST LNG: Sprinting Towards a Greener Future

Working on the FAST LNG project makes for a diverse and challenging experience. The project efficiently delivers processing units for offshore LNG.

Shutdowns: Proper Planning is Half the Work

Shutdowns – those planned outages required to conduct inspections, repair equipment, and comply with regulations – can be stressful times for all concerned.

Reengineering Valves for Higher Efficiency

Computer-aided engineering (CAE), also called engineering simulation, is becoming the industry standard for designing and testing valves.

Fundamentals of Valve Design

Valves, though seldom in the limelight, play an indispensable role in our daily lives and the operation of high-stakes industries.

Franklin Valve: Innovation for the Future

Located in Houston, Texas, Franklin Valve prides itself on its manufacturing capabilities that put the client’s needs at the forefront. Its innovative flow control technology is designed, assembled, and tested in-house and offers the highest value in product quality.

City of Phoenix Utilizes Insertion Valve for More Efficient Operation

Being responsible for providing safe drinking water to approximately 1.5 million people is no easy task, but the City of Phoenix Water Service Department remains up for the challenge.

The Key to Customer Relationship Management in the Valve Industry – Leveraging LinkedIn

Professionals in any industry agree that LinkedIn is the platform for maintaining and growing business relationships. A LinkedIn profile should be the user’s online professional identity and the hub for their global business relationships.

An Introduction to Worm Gear Operators

Worm gear operators are essential mechanical devices used to control the movement of valves in various industrial applications.

Implementing Gasket Sealing to Mitigate BWON Emissions

Among the various environmental concerns, the management of hazardous substances like Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene (collectively known as BWON compounds) holds significant importance due to their potential adverse effects on human health and the environment.