Tag: Petrobras
Tecninox’s butt weld fittings approved by Petrobras
Tecninox, the integrated manufacturing plant within Raccortubi Group, has been awarded Petrobras’ technical approval for its butt weld fittings. The news comes in quick succession of the launch of the Group’s latest subsidiary in South America, Raccortubi do Brasil Ltda.
Petrobras’ LNG regasification terminal operational
The Petrobras LNG Regasification Terminal in Bahia has raised its regasification capacity up to 41MCM per day.Petrobras added the first regasified LNG from its new regasification terminal, located in Baía de Todos os Santos, Salvador, in the state of Bahia to the Brazilian gas pipeline network.
Petrobras posts 29% higher net income
Petrobras posted a 29% higher net income for the period from January to September 2013 compared with 2012 due to higher operating result and lower impact of the exchange rate on the financial result.
Sergipe-Alagoas Basin formation test completed
Petrobras has completed a formation test on well 3-BRSA-1178D-SES (3-SES-176D), informally known as Farfan 1, to evaluate the production capacity of the accumulation located in the BM-SEAL-11concession area, block SEAL-M-426, in the ultra-deep waters of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin.
Petrobras’ O&G production up by 4.8% in June
Petrobras announced an oil output (oil plus natural gas liquids [NGL]) of 1,979 thousand barrels per day (bpd) in June from all of its fields in Brazil, a 4.6% higher volume than May (1,892 thousand bpd).
Petrobras’ long-term technological strategy
Speaking at the "Global Deepwater Technology Development" panel in Houston, USA, Petrobras' executive manager for production engineering in Exploration & Production, Solange da Silva Guedes highlighted the importance of integrating companies that operate in deepwater oil and gas fields with universities and suppliers for the development of offshore production technology.
The panel, with more than 250 attendees, opened the first day of the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), the world's biggest event devoted to offshore oil exploration and production.
Petrobras to build 23 New OSVs
As part of its third Fleet Renewal Plan for offshore support vessels, Petrobras signed contracts for 23 new support vessels on Thursday.
Petrobras announces quality oil discovery
Petrobras announces that it has confirmed the presence of good quality oil (31 º API) in ultra deep waters in the Santos Basin pre-salt while drilling well 1-SPS-98 (1-BRSA-1063-SPS), informally known as Sagitário.
This is the first well to be drilled in the BM-S-50 block and is located 194 km off the coast of the state of São Paulo in 1,871 meters of water.
Petrobras platforms collide in high winds
According to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras, two oil and gas production platforms under construction at a southern Brazilian shipyard collided on Saturday after high winds dislodged their moorings.
The P-58 and P-63 platforms broke free of their moorings at the Honorio Bicalho shipyard at the port of Rio Grande.
Petrobras’ production in Brazil up by 3.4%
Petrobras’ total oil and natural gas production in Brazil averaged 2,441 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed) in December 2012, indicating a 3.4% increase from November of the same year.