In this article entitled, Removing Some Mystery that Surrounds Control Valve Coefficients written by John Roper of Yeary Controls he describes how in the control valve world, there’s nothing quite like valve sizing. “It permeates every valve style, size, and manufacturer. Since its inception, valve sizing has rather quickly evolved into its own branch of engineering, where it encompasses parts of mechanical, acoustical and chemical engineering. However, some reps and end users consider it somewhat superfluous. They often assume finding the proper solution is done by selecting a valve based on required CV. This is a serious mistake, as many engineers have found when their process reaches Mach 1 and it sounds like a jet is taking off inside their plant!”
To read the full version of this article please contact Candace Allison at to request a PDF copy.
Pictured: Sharktooth Control Cartridge
Image courtesy of Yeary Controls