Bürkert fulfils DIN EN 61439 standards

The new series of standards for the construction of switch and control systems, DIN EN 61439, will take effect on 1 November 2014, superseding the previous standard DIN EN 60439 with a transition period. This affects all switch and control systems for the operation of machines and systems, as well as power distributors for high current applications.

The fluid technology specialist Bürkert already provides control cabinet solutions that comply with the new legislation. “We fulfil 100% of the changes introduced in the new standards. All of our products in this area are available in conformity with the DIN EN 61439 series of standards”, reports Jens Fuhrmann, manager of the Dortmund Systemhaus. Bürkert experts in Germany’s Sauerland region bear the entire planning, engineering, manufacturing and documentation responsibility for custom control units. This also includes delivery and commissioning of end-to-end solutions for every process environment, including potentially explosive areas.

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