The principle behind intelligent actuation and asset management is the concept of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), where, using devices embedded with sensors, electronics and software, data can be collected and exchanged on a large scale to enable improved communication and efficiency.
The value of data provided by the digitization of systems cannot be overstated. However, a location must be equipped with the right technology that can provide meaningful inÂformation in order to receive data. An intelligent actuator with data logging capabilities is essential for a working digital asset management system.
By Mike Devrell, Intelligent Asset Management Program Manager – Rotork Controls
Modern Intelligent Actuator Technology
Modern intelligent actuator design is foÂcused on enhanced functionality, particÂularly in areas associated with planned maintenance and asset management. An indication window on an actuator can serve as a focal point of communiÂcation and provide information in a clear visual way. This will include menus for set-up, configuration and commissionÂing, local position indication, valve and actuator status, asset management and diagnostic operating information stored in the actuator data logger.
The technology in a modern intelligent acÂtuator can provide a wide variety of data, recording torque, temperature, vibration levels and recording events in a data log. The ability to objectively analyze this inÂformation and identify the key areas that are important for each site’s specific requirement is essential for effective mainÂtenance. Additionally, plant operators can use the information from the diagnostics.
The information utilized to improve asÂset management diagnostics is stored in a data logger file, which can be downÂloaded and analyzed.
An intelligent electric actuator provides a wide variety of critical data on its display. Vibration, for example, can severely afÂfect the performance of plant equipment and longevity, and its effects are cumulaÂtive. Vibration levels can vary significantÂly, depending on many factors, including flow rates and process conditions. This can make it difficult to capture with moÂbile measuring devices.
An intelligent actuator can include a viÂbration sensor that measures and capÂtures vibration levels. The IQ series of actuators can capture vibration levels in the range of 10 Hz to 1k Hz (root mean square average) and peak acceleration (maximum g) in 3 axes (x, y and z). ViÂbration trend logs can be downloaded and viewed using Insight 2 software.
Insight 2 is a visually interactive applicaÂtion that facilitates the review and configÂuration of the setup and data logger inforÂmation for Bluetooth-enabled actuators. Insight 2 enables the user to pre-configure actuator missions on a PC, transfer them to a Bluetooth setting tool Pro and transmit them to the actuator on site.
Using Intelligent Asset Management to Better Control a Site
There are multiple benefits of asset management technology, such as imÂproving safety, reducing environmental damage, and schedule planning, all of which can contribute to improving upÂtime. This means they can be quickly rectified before they turn into a more serious problem or cause a shutdown. An unplanned plant shutdown can be very costly and can sometimes result in added risks to the environment or safety.
As previously stated, one significant adÂvantage of intelligent asset management is the integration of diagnostics. An intelÂligent asset management program takes data log data, which can be displayed by using Insight 2 and analyzes it to deterÂmine actuator condition, predict upcomÂing issues, and recommend actions to be taken. Diagnostics can include vibration analytics, usage statistics, torque profiles and health scores, among many other valuable data points.

Valve seating, sealing and other mechaniÂcal issues can be detected from only subÂtle changes in torque. Additionally, when analyzing different parts of the torque curve, issues with the actuator’s drive bush, gearbox, motor, bearing and valve issues can often be detected. The analysis takes several factors into account when detecting warnings or alerts.
Field Communication Control Networks
Comprehensive network communication is invaluable to improve the efficiency of modern actuation. An operator at a site usÂing a network can monitor up to 240 actuaÂtors on a single fault-tolerant field network that is up to 20 km long without repeaters while maintaining constant control over the operation 24/7, 365 days a year.
Network systems work with gateways, which provides a number of benefits, inÂcluding a touchscreen interface, which allows the user easy access to configuÂration tools and features.
For example, Rotork’s Master Station uses Modbus for host communication via Ethernet (Modbus TCP) and/or a seÂrial highway (Modbus RTU). The host is provided with a single open industry standard interface for process control inÂformation thanks to the Master Station’s database, which is delivered to the host independently of the field network proÂtocol. Additionally, locations with legacy Master Stations will already have the daÂtabase structure pre-mapped.
Compatibility is via network cards that are fitted in the main electronics encloÂsure of an actuator with full integration with the site’s existing plant control system. A wide selection of network interface cards allows plants to be conÂtrolled and monitored by computer usÂing digital ‘bus’ network systems comÂmunication to the Distributed Control Systems (DCS).

Smart Actuation at Water Resource Recovery Facility in Michigan, U.S.
A recent example of intelligent elecÂtric actuators providing a vital role can be seen at a water resource recovery facility in Michigan. The site has the capacity to process approximately 18.75 million gallons of water daily and provides wastewater treatment for the entire city of East Lansing, MichiÂgan State University and the Meridian Charter Township.
The actuators installed serve a variÂety of roles, including the operation of flow control valves, sluice gates, ball control valves, AWWA butterfly valves and eccentric plug valves. The actuaÂtors are able to accurately control the exact amount of flow. Going beyond simple open/close functions, they can move the valves and gates to exact poÂsitions to provide complete control of flow in the process. In addition to this modulating service, the actuators also provide an isolating service in a new digester process. The digester process breaks down the waste material to proÂduce biogas and the actuators ensure that the flow of municipal wastewater can be stopped, should it be necessary to do so. These actuators are on a conÂtrol network with an installed base of intelligent electric actuators connected through an open network standard (ONS) for communication networks.
ONS provides easy access to actuator process control and feedback informaÂtion. They also may include an electronic data sheet description file that can be used to set up the actuator parameters to allow for system optimization.
Safe and Secure Local Monitoring and Control
A Remote Hand Station (RHS) can imÂprove safety and allows the end user to reÂmotely operate, interrogate and configure an actuator from a distance of up to 100 m. The RHS can duplicate the functionalÂity of an intelligent actuator’s interface and provide data logs that can be viewed and downloaded locally instead of needing the user to access the actuator.
Power for an RHS is supplied by the actuaÂtor, removing the need for supplementary power supplies. The event logs from an RHS can be used to analyze torque proÂfiles and event logs, further enhancing predictive asset management capability.
An example of the RHS providing particuÂlar value can be seen in Olathe, Kansas at a Water Treatment plant. Operating a gravÂity filter, 18 butterfly valves are situated in an area beneath a walkway which makes it difficult to access and operate the old actuators. The site was refitted with new intelligent actuators with the RHS system, which removed access issues.
Providing an exact duplicate of the actuÂator control knobs, display window and control interface, the RHS was mounted on the walkway to enable the user to operate, interrogate and configure the actuators below safely.
Modern intelligent electric valve actuaÂtion technology offers straightforward, secure, and affordable solutions. It also incorporates operational data logging to promote long-term effectiveness and intelligent asset management.
Information and data taken from modÂern intelligent actuators can be anaÂlyzed by specialist systems to assist with appropriate maintenance actions to ensure optimum performance. ProÂactive maintenance driven by this data can help reduce unplanned downtime and improve safety and efficiency for end users plant-wide.