Tag: rocket
Cryogenic Valve Seals for Space Applications
Since the beginning of time, mankind has gazed into the sky with intrigue and the dream of space travel. The speed of technology is constantly changing the world around us, so it is difficult to believe that today’s cryogenic rocket engine is virtually the same as the original design. The rocket engine is controlled by a computer that receives instructions from the vehicle that are delivered to the engine’s valve actuation systems with the valves being the main contributor to engine function.
Valves instrumental in successfully launching satellite
Moog Inc. Space and Defense Group supplied materials, including valves, to the Boeing-built GPS IIF-9 satellite which was atop a United Launch Alliance (ULA) Delta IV Medium + 4,2 rocket.
GPS IIF-9 is the ninth of twelve planned Global Positioning System (GPS) Block IIF satellites to support the space-based, worldwide navigation system.