Tag: product

New Hydra-Cell pumps have stainless valves

Wanner International, which has locations across the United States, has now added Hydra-Cell G25 and G35 pumps to its offerings of models available in 316L stainless steel. In order to meet clean-ability requirements these Hydra-Cell pumps have new manifolds with redesigned galleries that allow access for polishing to a certified surface finish.

IC-Fluid releases new line card

The privately-held specialty hydraulic sourcing firm, IC-Fluid Power, has announced its newly updated line card for 2015. The IC-Fluid Power line card provides a comprehensive resource for hydraulic products, in-house capabilities and benefits of working with IC-Fluid Power.

Positive flow control valves

Burrow Industries, located in Temperance, Michigan, has introduced the Positive Flow Control valve. It is a cut-off valve for auger filling of fine products for the food and pharmaceutical industries. The Positive Flow Control valve is made of 303 stainless steel and FDA-approved for food.

Rotork’s YTC positioners

Process industries often depend on high performance valve actuation in harsh environments. Despite the difficult surroundings, process plants demand the latest technology, such as smart positioners, which allow technicians to use auto-calibration and simple diagnostics to commission and monitor their entire system at the push of a button.

Conval’s new 40-page catalogue

The severe service valve company, Conval, has published its new 40-page full-line catalogue in several versions including hard copy, PDF and online. The catalogue is full-colour and contains photos, diagrams, features, benefits and specifications on thousands of Conval products including Clampseal globe valves, throttling valves, gate valves, bellows seal valves and special application valves; Camseal zero-leakage ball valves; actuated valves, accessories, tool kits; and a description of typical applications.

Emerson launches new butterfly valve

Emerson Process Management introduces the Fisher® 8590 high-performance butterfly valve that brings a selection of disk seals, actuator designs and material combinations to meeting plant-wide throttling and on-off requirements.

DeZURIK’s seated knife gate valve

A new KGC-BD Bi-Directional Resilient Seated Knife Gate Valve has been released by DeZurik. It features a unique, patented perimeter seat design that provides bubble-tight shutoff in either direction, even on dead end service.

Dorot launches new vacuum air valve

Dorot Control Valves launched its new Vacuum (Kinetic) Air Valve model DAV-LP-K in 2" diameter, a product designed for efficient discharge and intake of air during filling or emptying of water systems.

PVC butterfly valve from Valtorc

Valtorc is now offering economic PVC butterfly valves that are available in wafer or lug style in sizes 2 ½” to 12”. The body of the valves are made of high quality PVC/polypropylene as is the double seated shaft making them very durable and able to withstand harsh environments.

New ¼-28 UNF threaded ball valve from Beswick

Beswick Engineering, specialised in miniature liquid and pneumatic fittings, quick disconnects, valves and regulators, launched the MBV-1414-3 ball valve for applications requiring a compact, high-quality on/off valve.