Tag: power generation

Featured Story – Life Extension on Nuclear Solenoid Operated Valves

The Nuclear Power industry is extending the operating lifespan of its reactors. Originally, reactor lifespan was planned for 40 to 60 years and is now extended to 60 to 80 years. This life extension requires regulatory approval and verification that safety-related components can meet their new service (qualified) life objectives.

Featured Story – Improving Reliability of Low-Pressure Isolation Valves in Power...

In any modern power production facility, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of various isolation valves. In traditional thermal power production, many of these are in high pressure / high temperature service and draw the highest level of attention. These critical valves are often in thermally cyclic service and have a special set of demands associated with their applications.

Featured Story – Valves for the Power Generation Market: A Slow...

Concerns over greenhouse gases and their impact on climate change have prompted the world to move away from fossil fuels. However, decarbonizing the industry is not an easy task, given the technological and social challenges that need to be overcome.

Cold Snap 2021 – Why Texas Froze

During the days before Valentine’s Day weekend, the 13th and 14th of February 2021, a severe winter storm came down across North America as the Polar Vortex slipped out of position and brought extremely cold air down from the Arctic and continued south over Texas and down into northern Mexico.

Maintaining Peak Performance

Power Generation is perhaps under even more scrutiny than other industries to clean up its act, due to our historical reliance on CO2 producing Coal Fired power stations which are frequently cited as a major factor that has led to Global Warming. The burning of fossil fuels to generate power is likely, however, to remain a core part of electricity generation for the foreseeable future.

Valve Opportunities in an Evolving Power Generation Market

Power generation is a major market for valves, accounting for 13% of global industrial valve sales. As the world continues to build electric generating capacity, it is also accelerating toward a lower-carbon economy, with the power sector playing a significant role in successfully achieving that objective. This article reviews the trends in the global power market and considers their impact on future valve sales. By Matjaž Matošec – Research Manager, Resolute Research

Emerson modernizing controls for hydro fleet

Arizona-based Salt River Project (SRP), one of the nation’s largest public power utilities, has selected Emerson to modernize the controls of multiple hydropower units and its central service center.

Valve maintenance increases power plant’s output

The Columbia Generating Station located near Richland, Washington is now putting enough electricity on the grid to serve about 40,000 more homes compared to its output five years ago. The difference has been the maintenance and improvements made during its refueling outages.

Court demands EPA to redo emission limits

A US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to relax air-pollution limits placed on power-plant emissions. The EPA instituted the rules because some gases emitted from power plants cross state lines and impact “downwind” states.

JZCP buys Midwest Valve Parts

The London-listed private equity fund that invests in high-quality US, European and Latin American cap companies, JZ Capital Partners, has acquired Midwest Valves Parts alongside The Edgewater Funds as a bolt-on to Industrial Services Solutions' existing Specialty Products Group.