Tag: NRC
NRC “infrequent” classification for steam leak
Radioactive steam leaking from a valve prompted operators to shut down Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania, Atomic Power Station's Unit 2 reactor early Monday morning, according to a company spokesperson.
Though the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) classifies steam leaks of this kind as "infrequent," a certain amount of leakage is inevitable, said NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan.
Senior resident inspector appointed for Waterford 3
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has chosen Frances Ramirez as the new senior resident inspector at the Waterford 3 nuclear plant that is located in Killona, Louisiana.
NRC issues SER
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has issued its Safety Evaluation Report with open items for the license renewal application for the 908 MW Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in Oak Harbor, OH.
The four open items are: management of shield building cracks during the period of extended operation, operating experience review prior to entering the period of extended operation, time-limited aging analysis of reactor vessel neutron embrittlement and pressure-temperature limits.
The results show that plant owner FirstEnergy Nuclear Operation Co.
Nebraska nuclear plant tests planned
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, a full-scale response exercise for the Cooper Nuclear Station in Southeast Nebraska will be held on July 31st. On August 3rd, a public meeting will be held at the Nebraska Public Power District's Emergency Operations Facility Auditorium at 902 Central Avenue in Auburn, Nebraska hosted by the U.
Entergy Pilgrim nuclear plant license extended
Entergy's 660MW Pilgrim nuclear plant in Plymouth, Massachusetts has been authorized by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to continuing operating for an additional 20 years, until mid-2032.
NRC to hold Seabrook nuclear plant meeting
Nuclear Regulatory Commission authorities will be meeting with the public in Hampton, New Hampshire this week as part of the commission's yearly safety performance assessment of the NextEra Energy Seabrook nuclear power plant.
Nuclear construction to restart in U.S.
The new Westinghouse AP1000 type nuclear reactors are to be installed in the new builds at Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Georgia and the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station in South Carolina.
Valve failure leads to increased oversight
A low-pressure coolant injection valve failed in the fall of 2010 at the Browns Ferry Nuclear plant.