Tag: Marketing
Sanna Makela Appointed as Vice President of Marketing at F.W. Webb
F.W. Webb Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Sanna Makela as Vice President of Marketing.
Emergence of Valves in Social Media
Historically, marketing has been the domain of the consumer products industry. However, alongside the advances in valve technology, social media marketing is permeating the valve industry today.
Emergence of Valves in Social Media
Historically, marketing has been the domain of the consumer products industry.
Dr. Tauseef Salma Appointed Flowserve Marketing & Techn
Flowserve Corporation, a leading provider of flow control products and services for the global infrastructure markets, announced that Dr.
Trafigura & CFE to market gas for Mexican government
The Swiss trading group Trafigura along with Mexico’s state-owned power utility CFE were awarded contracts to market oil and gas on behalf of the Mexican government and Mexico’s National Hydrocarbon Commission (CNH).