Tag: fugitive emissions

Addressing Certified Low Leak Valve Sealing Technology in a Plant

Many plants are faced with increasing scrutiny on fugitive emissions, particularly from valves. Valves are typically responsible for over half of the fugitive emissions in a plant. This results in a high degree of examination for assessment and leakage reduction. A large refinery, or chemical plant, can have over 100,000 valves and finding leaks can be a difficult task. By Scott Boyson & Juan Cid – A.W. Chesterton Company

Implementation of a Successful Enhanced Leak Detection & Repair Program

With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Dan Devine began his career in 1987 working for the Union Carbide Corporation after graduating from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering. He joined a major chemical company in 2001 through the acquisition of Union Carbide. Dan recently retired and is now working in a valve and piping consulting engineer role as an independent contractor through Midland Engineering, Ltd.By Sarah Bradley & Stephanie Matas

Phillips 66: Inspiring Innovation in Fugitive Emissions Technology

After 34 years of experience in the energy industry, Tim Goedeker, Senior Principal Environmental Consultant for Phillips 66, knows the value of experience and the importance of innovation. Starting his career as a Technical Service Engineer in the oil refining sector and moving into the environmental side with HSE-Refining, Tim has a vast knowledge and understanding of this ever evolving industry. By Angelica Pajkovic & Sarah Bradley

Qualifying Stem Sealing Valve Solutions to ISO

Over the past two decades, oil and gas processing facilities have been challenged in complying with increasingly stringent regulatory and legislative requirements relating to Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) regulations.

Fugitive Emissions Detection Gearbox

Fugitive emissions (FE) represent a crucial challenge for world-wide manufacturing in the 21st century. Legislation and regulations governing greenhouse emissions across the globe are becoming ever-more stringent, the costs of operation are constantly increasing and manufacturing demand continues to increase.

Testing to Fugitive Emissions Standards: Which & Why?

Of the various methods and standards used for testing of valves for low fugitive emission application, which are most appropriate for a valve? Is the decision based on the valve type or design? Is it based on the geographic market the valves are being sold into? Is it based on application? With ISO 15848-1, which of the various tightness, endurance and temperature classes should be applied? In his article, Stan Allen & Vanessa Mertes of Bray International provide guidelines for valve manufacturers, engineering companies and end users on which standard to apply, and when and how the different techniques of the standards should be applied.

Leak Prevention in a 100-Year-Old Andeavor Refinery

Valve World Americas had the pleasure of speaking with Larry Wilkerson, Supervisor of Air Fugitives at the Andeavor's Golden Eagle Refinery in Contra Costa County, California. He was delighted to discuss how he ended up in an environmental role, the main cause of leaks at the plant and the measures that are taken to prevent them from occurring.

Continued success at Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas

The second Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas Conference & Exhibition, held on June 26th and 27th, 2018 has concluded.

An inside perspective on lowering fugitive emissions

The June 2018 issue of Valve World Americas includes an article with the technical team from Micromazza discussing the topic of lowering fugitive emissions.

Solon Manufacturing: Valve live loading

Solon Belleville Springs are effective at preventing valve stem leaks that help reduce fugitive emissions. This is because they maintain the load on a seal, gasket or packing within valve actuators and/or other valve components, which is vital.