Tag: enbridge
Enbridge approved for Woodland Pipeline Extension
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. has announced that it has received approval from the Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board to begin construction on the Woodland Pipeline Extension Project.
Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Oil producers oppose Seaway request
Oil producers in North America are hoping to ease the disconnect in the crude markets by addressing the reversal of the Seaway pipeline to run to refineries nest the Gulf of Mexico from the central United States.
Transport Canada approves Northern Gateway tankers
Transport Canada has stated that it has “no regulatory concerns” with the proposed marine operations for Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline.
Hundreds attend Northern Gateway public hearing
The launch of the Northern Gateway public hearings was tense, as hundreds of people attended to speak on Enbridge’s controversial proposal to connect the Alberta oil sands to a port in Kitamaat Village, B.C.
Northern Gateway hearing battles set to begin
Federal regulatory hearings for Enbridge Inc.’s Northern Gateway oil pipeline project are set to begin in Kitimat, British Columbia, the proposed oil tanker port.
Crude pipeline proposed from Cushing to Gulf Coast
Enterprise Products Partners (Enterprise) and Enbridge Inc have announced plans to design, construct and operate a new pipeline to transport crude oil to the Texas Gulf Coast.