Matco-Norca expands 759 Ball Valve product line

New York-headquartered Matco-Norca’s 759LF Ball Valve is now available with a steel locking handle as well as with a tee handle, stainless steel thumb handle and thumb grip options. Applications for the 759LF Ball Valve with handle options include commercial and light industrial steam, water, oil, gas and air use.

The 759LF Ball Valve is full port with a blowout proof stem and PTFE seats and come in sizes 1/4″ to 1”. The 759LHLF (Locking Handle) Ball Valve adds the locking handle and is available in IPS sizes 1/4″ to 4”. The 759TLF (Tee Handle) Ball Valve comes in IPS and CxC sizes 1/2″ to 1”. The 759TS (SS Thumb Handle) Ball valve is available in IPS sizes 1/2” to 1” and the 759TSLF (Thumb Grip Handle) Ball Valve comes in sizes 1/2” to 1”.
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