Harold Beck & Sons Inc., a unique employee-owned manufacturer of industrial electric actuators headquartered in the Philadelphia area, is excited to unveil its new website. This updated version of the website improves upon the already top-notch customer support features that complement its high-quality products.
Reliable, precise valve and damper actuators are at the heart of industrial process control performance in every industrial sector. The accurate and dependable control Beck actuators afford play a vital role in maintaining process efficiency and reliability, ultimately keeping water and wastewater, electric utility, steel, and many other industrial plant processes running smoothly.
Control professionals, system integrators and plant personnel all turn to Harold Beck & Sons for other services too. For example, the company provides a complimentary service called Link-Assist, which supports the setup and installation of its linkage connected actuator products; this exclusive program enables Beck’s engineers the ability to design an optimal linkage configuration based on application-specific constraints.
Courtesy of Harold Beck and Sons.