Assured Automation has released its line of Resilient seated butterfly valves. These valves are available in 2in thru 12in with a pressure rating up to 225PSI and 14in thru 24in up to 160PSI. The STW/STL is a resilient seated 125/150, ductile iron wafer style (STW) or lug style (STL) butterfly valve available with either BUNA-N or EPDM seats, disc materials of 316SS. It can be equipped with a manual handle or with pneumatic or electric actuators. A full range of accessory items are available including limit switches, solenoid valves, positioners and manual override devices. Typical applications include: water and waste effluent treatment plants, paper, textiles and sugar industry, construction industry and drilling production, heating, air conditioning and cooling water circulation, pneumatic conveyors and vacuum applications, compressed air, gas and desulphurization plants, brewing, distilling and chemical process industry, transportation and dry bulk handling, and power Industry. Features include: one piece body construction and self-centering disc, direct mount design for actuators, seat facing acts as flange gasket, 3 shaft bushings support actuation, and the unit meets MSS SP-67 and API-609 Specs.