ValvXpress™ actuator package

ValvTechnologies, manufacturer of zero-leakage, severe service isolation valve solutions has developed ValvXpress™, an off-the-shelf, valve, mounting kit and actuator package. The pre-engineered package is a compact automation solution to meet the demand for both high quality and quick delivery in severe service water and steam applications in the power industry. The package has proven sealing under operating conditions up to 760°C. ValvXpress™ is equipped with metal-seated ball valves ranging from 1/2 to 2-1/2 in; A105, F22 and F91 body materials; and meets the needs of ANSI Class 2500 and 4500 valves. Additionally, the product provides a high cycle actuator and mounting hardware; internal valve stem stop and a drive retainer preventing the stem from being driven into the ball. The ready-to-ship package includes the quality of the V1-1 valve and ValvTechnologies’ actuator, backed by a four-year, zero-leakage warranty. ValvXpress™ is available in the United States, China and Europe.

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