Valve World Americas Workshop – Valve Design

The 2019 Valve World Americas Expo & Conference is a month away! Be sure to join in the action on June 19th-20th at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas! 


Come to the premier valve event in America and network with the leading minds driving ahead innovation and excellence in the fields of valve manufacture, use and maintenance. Valve World Americas is a dynamic and interactive event with a strong focus on personal interaction. The high quality conference has an emphasis on practical, applicable knowledge sharing with the subject matter experts and key opinion leaders of the valve community. We will be holding several new and informative Workshops including;


Workshop – Valve Design

Session Chair:


J.P. Garcia, Metso




Machine Learning Valve Design App Using simulationHub – Sandip Jadhav & Subranshu Majhi, CCTech


The 3D Printing of Valve Parts – Jukka Borgman, Metso 


Preventing Through-Wall Leakers in Cast Valve Bodies – Roy Stevenson, MAGMA Foundry Technologies, Inc.


Reduce the Cost of Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) – Vijay Datta & Michael O’Donoghue, AzkoNobel




This workshop will discuss the different variables required today to be successful in the complete design of a valve, by looking into the solutions that are currently available.

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