Valve upgrades for PA water filtration plant

Hazleton City Authority’s 25-year old water filtration plant, located in Hazleton City, Pennsylvania, will be undergoing some upgrades in January 2018. 

Authority representatives recently closed on a USD $2.5 million state loan and plan to give three firms that secured the contracts notice to proceed with the project. This past September the contracts were awarded to the Hazleton-based Yannuzzi, Inc. and George J. Hayden, Inc. firms, as well as North American Filter Corp., New York. 

The scope of the upgrade project includes replacing clarifier units (the part of the filtration system that helps remove solids from water); repairing of hairline cracks in concrete basin walls; and various server, valve and valve control upgrades. The upgrade work could begin as early as January.

With the filtration plant renovations soon to get underway, authority officials are working to prioritize and evaluate projects for a new round of further system improvements such as water storage tank renovations, pump station upgrades and other miscellaneous work, such as valve house upgrades.
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