The Manufacturers Standardization Society (MSS) of the Valve and Fittings Industry recently announced that the standard SP-146-2019, High Pressure Knife Gate Valves: Iron and Ductile Iron, Lug-, Wafer- and Flange-Type, has been revised and re-published.
Standard Practice (SP)-146 includes requirements for high-pressure iron and ductile iron knife gate valves of the lug- wafer- and flange-type. This SP includes flanged body designs compatible with these ASME standardized flanges: B16.1 Class 125 flanges for sizes NPS 2 (DN 50) through NPS 60 (DN 1500); B16.1 Class 250 flanges for sizes NPS 2 (DN 50) through NPS 48 (DN 1200); and B16.42 Class 150 and 300 flanges for sizes NPS 2 (DN 50) through NPS 24 (DN 600).
The revised Standard Practice, MSS SP-146-2019, is now available from MSS and authorized global distributors. It has been published in an electronic version (PDF) and in book format.
Image credit: MSS