Tag: Valmet
Valmet Delivered a Complete Pulp Mill with Full-Scope Automation and Flow...
Valmet’s delivered the complete pulp mill including also full-scope automation and flow control solutions for the new Arauco mill.
Change in Valmet’s Executive Team
Olli Hänninen has been appointed Senior Vice President, Strategy, at Valmet.
Valmet to Supply a Complete Pulp Mill with Full-Scope Automation and...
The Board of Directors of Arauco have approved an investment of a complete pulp mill and selected Valmet as the supplier for the project.
Valmet to Deliver a New Recovery Boiler and an Ash Crystallization...
Valmet will deliver a new recovery boiler, an ash crystallization plant, and an odorous gas handling system to Klabin’s Monte Alegre pulp and paper mill as part of Klabin’s announced modernization project.
Neles™ 6D Ball Valves – Developed to Deliver Performance
The journey of the Neles 6D ball valve to meet latest 25th edition of API 6D took a little more than two years from drawing to reality.
Thomas Hinnerskov Appointed President and CEO of Valmet
Valmet’s Board of Directors has appointed Thomas Hinnerskov President and CEO of Valmet and he will start in the position during the second half of the year and at the end of September 2024 at the latest.
Change in Valmet’s Executive Team
Janne Pynnönen (M.Sc. Eng.) has been appointed Senior Vice President, Operational Development at Valmet as of February 1, 2024.
Neles™ XH Ball Valve – The Anatomy of Forward-Thinking Design
The Neles XH series has recently been updated to cover a wider range of sizes and requirements.
Valmet and Saipem Signed a Memorandum of Understanding to Develop Integrated...
Valmet and Saipem have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to develop joint solutions to decarbonize the industrial sectors that face significant challenges in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, also known as hard-to-abate industries.
Valmet to Supply an Advantage DCT 200 Tissue Production Line to...
Sofidel America has decided to invest in Valmet’s Advantage DCT tissue line including an extensive automation package, flow control valves and Industrial Internet solutions to its Circleville mill in Ohio, United States.