Tag: Trendsetter Engineering
Trendsetter Engineering Secures “Significant” Subsea Contract Offshore Brazil
Trendsetter Engineering, a leading provider of subsea oil and gas equipment and services, is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded a significant contract by Trident Energy do Brasil to deliver two six-slot production subsea manifolds for the Bonito and Bicudo Fields in Brazil.
Trendsetter Engineering Completes Delivery of Shenzi North Subsea Equipment
Trendsetter Engineering, Inc. (TEI) is pleased to announce the recent delivery of two subsea manifolds, two High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS), along with Trendsetter’s field proven TCS clamp connectors to Woodside Energy for use in their Shenzi North Field in the Gulf of Mexico.
Interventek’s World First 20,000psi Open-Water Intervention Safety Valve Package Has Been...
Interventek is celebrating the successful delivery of its new 20,000 psi, 5-1/8” Open Water Revolution Valve package, comprising a dual shear and seal valve assembly and accompanying retainer valve, in collaboration with Trendsetter Engineering, Inc.
Interventek Set to Deliver the Industry’s First 20,000psi Open-Water Well Intervention...
Subsea intervention technology specialist, Interventek has agreed on a deal to supply a complete set of fully qualified 20,000psi open-water well intervention shear and seal valves to Trendsetter Engineering, Inc based in Houston.
Trendsetter Wins LLOG Salamonca Manifold, Connectors Contract
Trendsetter Engineering, Inc. is pleased to announce that they have been awarded a significant contract for the provision of subsea hardware by LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. for the Salamanca subsea developments at Leon and Castile.
Trendsetter Engineering Wins Shenandoah Contract
Trendsetter Engineering Inc. is pleased to announce the award of a contract to support the development of Beacon Offshore Energy LLC’s Shenandoah project located offshore Gulf of Mexico.