Tag: the lee co
The Lee Co’s Duel Metering Flow Control Valve
The Lee Company’s Dual Metering Flow Control valve is a two way restrictor that allows the designer to specify a different metered flow rate in each direction.
Miniature Flow Regulating Valve: 687 Side Exit Flosert
The new Lee 687 Side Exit Flosert is the latest addition to The Lee Co’s line of miniature flow regulating valves. The valve is pressure compensated to provide a constant flow over a wide range of pressure differentials and is ideal for high pressure hydraulic applications with system pressures up to 5000 psi.
The Lee Co. genvi® – versatile & innovative
The Lee Co. recently introduced the genvi LGV Series control valves, a new generation of versatile and innovative 3-port solenoid valves, offering high flow rates and low power in a miniature, 10mm package.