Tag: tech talk

Best Practices for Back-Pressure Regulator Setup

How to Optimize Performance and Ensure AccuracyFor even the most experienced engineers and technicians, analytical sampling system design presents a unique challenge.

Top 10 Causes of Valve Failure

Valves are an inherent and vital part of any process plant. From the commodity valves used in instrumentation to the most complex control valve – they all serve a purpose, they all cost money, and they all will need to be replaced sometime in the future.

Design Validation Tests and Technology Know-How

Technological innovation is the key to achieving greater performance, longer and reliable service, within a competitive budget and schedule. In this article, Euthymios J. Euthymiou asks some questions that are often raised by decision-makers.

Trust, but Verify: the Case of Writing a Specification

In the 80’s, the United States and the then Soviet Union were involved in extensive talks about nuclear disarmament. Ronald Reagan was President and he was taught a Russian proverb as part of an effort to bridge the cultural gap between the two countries. The proverb was “Trust, but verify” (Russian: Doveryai, no proveryai), which he used in several meetings with his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev. Reagan used the proverb to emphasize the need of procedures to verify compliance with the agreement

Tech Talk: Correctly Specified Valve Technology

Process plant operations involve a number of rigorous tasks that require the highest level of measurement and control performance.

Tech Talk: Design Validation Tests &Technology Know-How

The first part of this article, presented in Valve World Americas September 2019 edition, explained several concepts about Design Validation Tests (DVT).

Tech Talk: EN 10204 and the Quest for Traceability

A mill test certificate (MTC) or material test report (MTR) is an important quality assurance component in the transaction between the manufacturer and buyer of products in the metals industry.

Tech Talk: Actuators Running on Brushless DC Motors

With no need for compressed air, early electric actuators could operate with less sound and less maintenance than the predominant pneumatic actuator.

Tech Talk: Hydromet Valves

Material selection for hydromet valves is a relevant topic. Because of the challenging conditions, end users prefer valve solutions with longer life spans than previous products.