Tag: tech talk

Valve Grinding: An Essential Procedure in Maintenance

Power generation and process industries require large quantities of valves that may vary in size, type, and values to regulate the flow of different media types.

Optimized Technology to Improve Total Cost of Ownership

The current uncertain oil & gas climate requires a flexible and resilient approach in an extremely competitive landscape. Innovation and solution driven thinking is crucial in leapfrogging self-imposed boundaries, leveraging technologies and practices developed and matured in similar industries or embracing newly developed capabilities.

Top 10 Best Practices for Control Valve Operators

Every control valve application is different. While rules and standards of practice exist for how they should be used, they are not always followed.

Upgrade Your Valves to Reduce Your Fugitive Emissions

Fugitive emissions have always been dangerous to employees, communities, and the health of the environment and the planet as a whole.

Upgrade Your Valves to Reduce Your Fugitive Emissions… Making the Case...

Fugitive emissions have always been dangerous to our employees, communities, and the health of the environment and the planet as a whole. This universal concern has proven to be difficult to address until recently, when chemical and petrochemical plants gained access to more sophisticated tools to pinpoint, measure, and monitor the source and extent of fugitive emissions. This includes data from satellites, aircraft, drones, and airborne sensors, and special infrared cameras.

Reduce Emissions with Improved Pressure Relief Devices

The oil and gas industry faces the dual challenge of transitioning to a low-carbon energy future to manage the risks of air pollution and climate change, while simultaneously expanding access to the economic and social benefits afforded by petroleum energy to the global population.

Upgrade Your Valves to Reduce Your Fugitive Emissions…

Fugitive emissions have always been dangerous to our employees, communities, and the health of the environment and the planet as a whole.

Types of Automation Valves–Advantages & Disadvantages

To start, we have to know what a valve is. The answer is simple: a valve is a device that regulates, directs, or controls the flow of fluid by opening, closing, or partially obstructing passages.

Leaking Valves–Testing, Prevention & Detection: Part 2

Passing valves is a well-known problem in oil, gas, and petrochemical industry, which imposes operational and maintenance challenges to operating facilities.

Rotary Plug Valves as an Alternative to Globe Valves

Rotary plug valves combine the strengths of globe valves with those of rotary valves: high control accuracy at a competitive price.