Tag: Shell Canada

Stastia West to succeed Susannah Pierce as Shell Canada President and...

After years as President and Country Chair and many years at Shell, Susannah Pierce has elected to leave Shell service.

Shell Increases Interest in Scotford Upgrader and Quest CCS Facility and...

Shell Canada Limited and affiliates and Canadian Natural Resources Limited (Canadian Natural) had agreed to a provision in the Athabasca Oil Sands Project transaction, where Shell will swap its remaining 10 percent interest in the Albian mines in exchange for an additional 10 per cent interest in the Scotford upgrader and Quest Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facility.

Shell Canada to explore offshore Nova Scotia

According to the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, Shell Canada won its call for bids to secure the exploration rights on four parcels of deepwater land off the southwest shore of the province.