Tag: reactor

NuScale makes reactor mock-up incl. valves

The Portland, Oregon-based NuScale Power has announced that it has finished the fabrication and assembly of a full-scale, upper module mock-up of a small modular reactor. It is called the NuScale Power Module™ or NPM.

Mixed fortunes for Canadian reactors

Bruce A1 reactor sends electricity to the grid for the first time in 15 years following a major refurbishment. Bruce A1 has been off line since 1997, when its then owner Ontario Hydro decided to lay up all four Bruce A units to focus on other reactors in its fleet.

Valve maintenance on PA nuclear plant

Unit 1 at PPL's Susquehanna nuclear plant in Luzerne County, Pa., returned to safe and reliable electricity generation Thursday March 10 after maintenance work on a valve was completed.