Tag: pressure regulator
New Emerson Pressure Regulator Maximizes Hydrogen-Powered Vehicle Fuel Efficiency, Improves Reliability
Emerson has launched the TESCOM™ HV-7000 Series two-stage pressure-reducing regulator, which is designed to maximize fuel efficiency and improve reliability in hydrogen-powered vehicles.
ControlAir Announces New High Precision Pressure Regulator
ControlAir is pleased to introduce the new Type 410 High Precision Pressure Regulator.
New Electronic Vacuum Regulator Offers Precise Regulation and Control of Vacuum...
ControlAir is pleased to introduce the new Type 1005V Electronic Vacuum Regulator. It is the first electronic vacuum regulator offered by ControlAir.
ControlAir’s New Electro-Pneumatic Pressure Regulator Series Offers High Precision Performance and...
ControlAir is pleased to introduce the new Type 1000P Electro-Pneumatic Pressure Regulator Series.
New pressure regulator from HANTEMP Controls
HANTEMP Controls, an established manufacturer of stainless steel controlled ball valves, float switches, solenoid valves, pressure regulators and flange unions for industrial refrigeration systems, has released its “A4” series pressure regulators, which are engineered and constructed to deliver precise modulation for industrial and commercial refrigeration applications utilizing subcritical CO2 as well as approved halocarbons.
HANTEMP announces pressure regulator line
HANTEMP Controls of Westmont, Illinois, has unveiled a new line of stainless steel control valves & modules for pressure, temperature and liquid control.
Cashco’s new BR back pressure regulator
Cashco, Inc., headquartered in Ellsworth, Kansas, recently introduced a new industrial Model BR back pressure regulator for use with a wide range of gases and liquids. With the appropriate options, applications include upstream over-pressure regulation of cryogenic liquids, sour gas, industrial gases and chemicals, as well as the common industrial fluids — water, oil, steam and compressed air.
Stainless steel pressure regulators
The BelGAS division of Marsh Bellofram Corporation has announced its product portfolio expansion to include stainless steel versions of the industry best-selling Type P95H, Type P98H and Type P627 regulators for corrosive environments.