Tag: plug valves

Valtorc International Introduces into the Marketplace High Performance Plug Valves

Valtorc International announces the development of their high performance NPT and flanged ends plug valves.

MSS publishes New Eccentric Plug Valves Standards

The Manufacturers Standardization Society (MSS) of the Valve and Fittings Industry has recently published the new Standard Practice SP-156-2019, Ductile Iron, Metal-Seated, Non-Lubricated, Eccentric Plug Valves.

Val-Matic plug valves

Val-Matic’s Cam-Centric® Plug Valve is a good choice when you have more than just water flowing through your system.

IntelliTest® releases hydrostatic pressure system

The Systems Division of Wilson Company (Wilson Systems) has launched IntelliTest®, the first fully-automated hydrostatic pressure non-destructive tester, for testing and recertification of critical iron parts for oil and gas fracking applications.

New approach for lift plug valves

AUMA has developed new actuation solutions for a range of specialized oil and gas applications, including a new approach for lift plug valves. These shut-off valves are widely adopted in high-temperature, high-pressure applications and for the conduction of media containing solids.

Versatile actuators available from APEK

The Apek Controls line of electric actuators offers a broad range of torques from 300 to 30,000 in. lbs. and numerous features including manual overrides, auxiliary switches, 4-20ma modulating control and several voltage options.

Corrosion resistant plug valves

Val-Matic Valve & Mfg. Corp manufactures a complete line of plug valves including 3-way Cam-Centric® plug valves available in sizes 4 in to 12 in with exclusive 100% port flow area.