Tag: oil & gas

Crowley loads first LNG into ISO tank container

Crowley Maritime Corporation’s LNG group has successfully executed the first loading of nearly 11,000 gallons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) into an ISO tank container at the new Eagle LNG Partners liquefaction facility.

Offshore drilling could see resurgence

In light of recent political events in the Middle East and in the United States, oil prices have already seemingly found a floor with both global-benchmarks Brent crude and NYMEX-traded West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude prices trading in a low to mid $60s range for an extended period of time.

ExxonMobil Senior Vice President to Retire

Mr. Mark W. Albers, current Senior Vice President of Exxon Mobil Corporation, has announced his intention to retire, effective April 1, 2018, after more than 38 years of service.

Canadian Fort Hills project achieves first oil

Total has reported that the Fort Hills oil sands project located in Alberta, Canada, 90 kilometers north of Fort McMurray, has achieved first oil.

U.S. offshore drilling to be greatly expanded

Interior Secretary, Ryan Zinke, announced last week that the Trump administration has moved to vastly expand offshore drilling from the Atlantic to the Arctic oceans with a plan that would open up federal waters off the California coast for the first time in more than three decades.

4 Canadian oil & gas projects in 2018

There are many major projects that are due to get underway in Canada during 2018. Here are 4 projects that are scheduled to begin and involve valves or corrosion resistant alloys (CRAs) in some capacity.

Trafigura & CFE to market gas for Mexican government

The Swiss trading group Trafigura along with Mexico’s state-owned power utility CFE were awarded contracts to market oil and gas on behalf of the Mexican government and Mexico’s National Hydrocarbon Commission (CNH).

Report on the pressure reducing valve market

A new report detailing the pressure reducing valves market has just been published called, The Global Pressure Reducing Valves Market Research Report Forecast 2017-2022.

GE relocates HQ to Boston

General Electric Co., which includes GE Oil & Gas, manufacturer of industrial valves and other solutions to the oil and gas industry, has recently confirmed that it will relocate its global headquarters to Boston.

New process controller manages plant assets

Honeywell Process Solutions (HPS) has launched its newest RTU2020 process controller, which helps operating companies in oil and gas, mining and other process industries effectively manage complex remote automation and control applications, such as valve operations.