Tag: maintenance
Extreme Differences in PTFE Flat Gaskets: Characteristics and Comparison of Various...
Polytetrafluoroethylene (or PTFE) is an integral material in the world of fluid sealing due to its excellent chemical resistance characteristics.
Commissioning Ball Valves Planning Preventative Measures and Post-Installation
Ball valves act as on-off systems intended to control liquid flow.
Maintenance Free Overtorque Clutches: Preventative Measures, Methods and Mistakes
Torquing is a force of energy which allows rotation in machinery. The misuse and maximization on this force results in the damage of the equipment.
Maintenance And Repair For Valves
Valves can be understood as dynamic devices that are inserted in a dynamic environment, as they have moving parts that wear out during use, packing and sealing that age and lose their effectiveness, and they are subject to vibration, ambient temperature fluctuations, pressure fluctuations, and media temperature fluctuations. Valves therefore need to be maintained, repaired, and sometimes replaced.
Featured Story – Critical Service Valves: Function, Selection, and Maintenance
Any engineer or maintenance manager must consider a litany of valve choices for placement in their various processes. For example, critical service valves are not limited to high pressure and high temperature environments.
Cost of Unclaimed Responsibility on Valve Performance
The Polish people have an expression that fits in many workplaces. It says “Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy”, which translates to “Not my circus, not my monkeys”.
The Cost of Unclaimed Responsibility on Valve Performance
The Polish people have an expression that fits in many workplaces. It says “Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy”, which translates to “Not my circus, not my monkeys”. There are two meanings to this sentence. One is about being at peace with things that you cannot change; accepting that you are not in control of some situations and that there is a limit to what you can possibly do to influence outcomes. Holding this view reduces stress and gives one freedom to pursue others, more productive, endeavors.
Maintenance and Reliability Champion Helps to Close the Manufacturing Skills Gap
Bryan Bieschke did not take the traditional path into the industrial world, but his mechanical, technical, and leadership skills have propelled him to executive maintenance and reliability roles for manufacturers, military operations, and now a ship and terminal operations company for which he leads a quality maintenance and reliability program.
Leser Brazil Offers Local Maintenance & Repair Services
Leser Brazil will now provide local support with its portfolio, through Local Content, and Maintenance & Repair services as well.
HydraCheck’s WearChek® Oil Sampling Valves
The easier it is to perform preventive maintenance, the more likely it is to be done. Now, leak-free sampling of system fluids couldn’t be simpler or more reliable – without a system shutdown.