Tag: hydrogen

How and Why Hydrogen and Renewables are Important for the Valve...

Although many individuals and organizations talk about the energy transition and sustainability in general terms, most are unclear on how or when changes to support this transition will be implemented.

Valve Solutions for Hydrogen Services

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the world. It is produced through different channels, such as coal, alkane dehydrogenation and natural gas.

Electrolyzers: The Key Technology in H2 Extraction

The world is in a race to secure a clean energy transition. Many view green hydrogen, which is produced by a water electrolysis process that is powered by renewable energy, as a key technological contributor to reaching net zero emissions.

Hydrogen’s Role in Achieving Net-Zero Goals and its Impact on Valves

Hydrogen is increasingly viewed as a critical component for achieving net-zero carbon emission commitments and mitigating human impact on climate change.

RINA Develops a Method Statement for Hydrogen-Ready Metallic Valves

RINA has developed a method statement which applies to valves intended for construction of gas transmission and distribution pipelines as well as hydrogen piping systems.

Hydrogen and Net Zero Emission Goals

To combat climate change and create a clean energy future, fundamental changes in the refining industry are necessary to reduce Green House Gases (GHGs) and methane emissions.

Valve Purchases for Hydrogen Use Modest Compared to Expenditures for Production

To meet the net zero targets and the contribution from hydrogen, valve sales will likely average $4 billion per year, over the next 10 years, and $6.3 billion over the next 30 years.(1) This includes the valves needed for hydrogen use, production, transport, storage as well as for carbon capture and sequestration.

Valves for Hydrogen Service: Challenges in Materials Selection

Hydrogen is expected to play a significant part in the low-carbon future that lays ahead. When interacting with the production and handling of any fluid, valves are not only necessary but critical to successful operations. A valve design in a hydrogen application requires two types of materials; metallic materials when dealing with high pressure and cryogenic temperatures, and non-metallic materials for overall static and dynamic sealing and seating. Hydrogen however, poses a unique challenge for the materials selection for valves. Due to its small size, hydrogen can diffuse into metallic and non-metallic components and, once there, can interact in deleterious, and not-yet-understood, ways with the material’s internal structure. Read on to learn more about hydrogen and its related damage mechanisms in common valve materials.

Featured Story – Energy Transition – A Glance at Valves for...

As many companies and producers of energy are looking toward establishing a cleaner future, a great amount of consideration is being put into the environmental impact of various fuels. While oil and gas will continue to be used in many industries for the foreseeable future, Hydrogen has earned a reputation as the next new form of reliable energy.

Severe Service Isolation Solutions for Hydrogen

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, natural gas reforming or Steam Methane Reforming (‘SMR’) currently accounts for