Tag: end users
End User Valve Design Specifications
As valve operators, end users develop their own standards and regulations to ensure valves are complying with international best practices as well as raise the bar for the required minimum of optimum design versus product quality to ensure they are ready to operate and function.
End User Valve Design Specifications
Valves are significant components of an operating facility where isolation is required.
Emerson Defines Strategy for Transforming the Way Valves Interact with the...
Emerson has recently released a host of new innovative solutions that are transforming the way valves installed in industrial applications interact with end users worldwide.
Day One of Valve World Mexico Conference a Success
The 2022 Valve World Mexico Conference is off to a great start, once again providing an important meeting point for the Mexican valve industry.
Latin America to Houston: Ecopetrol on the World Stage
Ecopetrol was established in 1948 as the Empresa Colombiana de PetrĂ³leos. After assuming assets from another company, Ecopetrol undertook activities in the oil chain as a State-owned Industrial and Commercial Company.
Feature in Valve World Americas journal!
Are you an end user? Do you work with valves? Valve World Americas is currently looking for end users to feature in upcoming issues of the journal.