Tag: column
What is a Valve Signature? – Part 2
A valve is a pressure vessel with internal moving parts; and when they move, they encounter resistance from other parts and from the flow. The recording of the pressures and forces associated with overcoming these resistances is sometimes called “valve signature”. When plotted over time, the trends are helpful in identifying degradation and other operational problems.
What is a Valve Signature? – Part 1
A valve is a pressure vessel with internal moving parts; and when they move, they encounter resistance from other parts and from the flow. The recording of the pressures and forces associated with overcoming these resistances is sometimes called “valve signature”. When plotted over time, the trends are helpful in identifying degradation and other operational problems.
The Cost of Run to Failure: Is It a Viable Strategy?
American President Harry Truman once said: “Give me a one-handed economist. All my economists say, ‘on the one hand...’, ‘but on the other...”.
Asset Integrity Management System: Galling in Equipment
As quoted by industry, galling is a wear process which occurs when two metal surfaces contact each other during load and are placed in motion against each other causing friction.
Predictive Maintenance Using Collected Data
Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, fuzzy logic, big data... yes, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is here to stay.
AIMS – Asset Integrity Management Systems (Part 4)
Opportunities and Challenges in Safety Integrity Levels. With the initial phases of safety in asset integrity management systems like HAZOP (hazard and operability study) and SIL (safety integrity level) assignments completed and most of the engineering documentation available, the next important activity in the safety lifecycle is SIL verification.
AIMS – Asset Integrity Management Systems (Part 5)
Drag Reducing Agents for Liquid Pipelines and Equipment Selection. Pipeline systems stretch across thousands of miles and from continent to continent, providing the safest mode of transportation for moving natural gas liquids to markets.
AIMS – Asset Integrity Management Systems (AIMS)
Opportunities and Challenges in Safety Integrity Levels (Part 4). With the initial phases of safety in asset integrity management systems like HAZOP (hazard and operability study) and SIL (safety integrity level) assignments completed and most of the engineering documentation available, the next important activity in the safety lifecycle is SIL verification.
The Story of a Global Crisis and of New Opportunities
The demand for LNG is expected to grow in the coming years, with Asia being one of the main drivers. Bearing in mind the market volatility and the effects of the Corona-outbreak on the global economy, the LNG sector has to be cautious when it comes down to long cycle investments and long-term supply contracts.
How to Set up a Successful Maintenance Program
Approaches to maintenance strategies vary from one company to another. Some rely on a run-to-failure strategy and deal as best they can with equipment that breaks in an unpredicted manner.