Tag: carbon dioxide

Control Valve Solutions for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage

Climate change has gained the attention of global organizations and lawmakers, all coming to the same conclusion – greenhouse gases (GHG) and their effects must be addressed if we are to limit the effects of climate change.

Why is Carbon Dioxide Important?

The global energy market is changing rapidly due to the energy transition.

Why is Carbon Dioxide Important?

The global energy market is changing rapidly due to the energy transition.

Samson’s Carbon Dioxide Reduction Products

Samson Controls has a valve product line that aids in carbon dioxide reduction and value creation. Carbon dioxide capture – power plants can combat fossil fuels and reduce carbon dioxide emissions with pre-combustion capture, post-combustion capture, and oxyfuel capture.

DOE to fund for CO2 subsurface tech

The United States Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has made a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for subsurface monitoring technological advancements that will facilitate the injection and storage of CO2.