Tag: California
State mandates shut-off valves in California
The State of California has taken another step in water conservation, adopting a stricter landscape ordinance that includes lowering the size threshold for projects that fall under the new water efficiency provisions.
COOPER certifies 2 West Coast service centres
COOPER Valves certified two service and repair centres in California. Both facilities, operated by Emerson Fisher Lifecycle Services, are designed to maintain end-user up time for COOPER Valves’ clients in the region.
NRG seeking buyers
A spokeswoman for NRG Energy (NYSE: NRG)has said the company is in discussions to find potential buyers for a planned power plant in Carlsbad, California.
Air quality regulators approve geothermal plants
Independent power wholesaler Calpine, has been awarded permits from air quality regulators to build two geothermal power plants at the Geysers in Sonoma County, California.
CPUC approves Sutter resolution
The California Public Utilities Commission approved a resolution that will order three investor-owned utilities in California to enter a contract with Calpine Corporation’s Sutter Energy Center within 30 days.
Waste heat converted to power in sunny CA
GDT Tek sub RTR Global Investments is installing a 150kw waste-heat-to-electricity unit in a Napa County landfill.
SCE soliciting proposals
Southern California Edison (SCE) is soliciting proposals for its renewable energy portfolio.
Clean energy park planned for California
AREVA and Fresno Nuclear Energy Group, LLC (FNEG) have signed a contract to develop an advanced clean energy park near Fresno, California.
BP to seek buyers for Texas City and Carson refine
BP has announced plans to divest two of its US refineries and seek buyers for the Texas City, Texas, and the Carson, California, refineries.