Tag: back-pressure regulator

Best Practices for Back-Pressure Regulator Setup in Sampling Systems

For even the most experienced engineers and technicians, analytical sampling system design presents a unique challenge. Analytical sampling is an intricate process, and what can seem like inconsequential design deviations can significantly influence sample accuracy. Inaccuracy leads to troubleshooting, troubleshooting leads to downtime, and downtime leads to lost dollars stemming from design flaws or installation errors that could have been eliminated upfront.

Best Practices for Back-Pressure Regulator Setup

How to Optimize Performance and Ensure AccuracyFor even the most experienced engineers and technicians, analytical sampling system design presents a unique challenge.

Asahi/America new back-pressure regulator

Asahi/America, Inc., has expanded its Chem Proline Advanced PE piping system to include Frank Series V86 back pressure regulators.