Tag: assured automation

FloWorks Acquires Assured Automation

FloWorks International LLC, a leading specialty distributor of critical flow control products and a Wynnchurch Capital, L.P. portfolio company, announced the acquisition of Assured Automation LLC.

Assured Automation Announces Innovative Firesafe Shutdown Valve Design

Thermally activated Thermal Shutoff Valves (TSVs) are critical components in refinery, terminal, and distribution safety systems.

High Cycle-Life Valves for Industrial Washing, Parts Washers & Keg Cleaning...

Manufacturers of industrial washing systems, aqueous parts washers, and keg cleaning equipment rely on Assured Automation for valves with high life cycle and smaller footprints.       

Assured Automation Unveils Latest in High-Tech Thermal Shutoff Valves – The...

Assured Automation continues to impress consumers with their safe, innovative designs, releasing its newest product from the ESOV Series and promising a simple, effective method for closing a valve in emergency and hazardous situations.

Assured Automation Introduces New Thermal Shutoff Valves with the TSV Series

Assured Automation, a leading provider of automated valves and flow components, proudly announced the launch of its new product

Assured Automation Celebrates 40 Years

2023 marks a major milestone for Assured Automation as they celebrate their 40th Anniversary.

Assured Automation’s High Capacity Globe Control Valves

Assured Automation's GH Series of High Capacity General Purpose Globe Control Valves are constructed of rugged cast iron bodies, and are available with a variety of plug styles and trim materials to suit a wide range of applications.

Upgrade Your Valves to Reduce Your Fugitive Emissions… Making the Case...

Fugitive emissions have always been dangerous to our employees, communities, and the health of the environment and the planet as a whole. This universal concern has proven to be difficult to address until recently, when chemical and petrochemical plants gained access to more sophisticated tools to pinpoint, measure, and monitor the source and extent of fugitive emissions. This includes data from satellites, aircraft, drones, and airborne sensors, and special infrared cameras.

Assured Automation’s Globe Control Valves-GVI Series

Assured Automation's GVI Series of Industrial General Purpose Globe Control Valves are constructed of rugged steel or stainless steel bodies.

Assured Automation Offers New Actuated Valve Training

A big part of "Making Valve Automation Easy" is providing customers with easy to understand training materials. The Assured Automation Actuated Valve Training Center is intended to do just that.