Tag: article promotion
Challenges in Sustainable Polymer Solutions for Valve Sealing Elements
It is difficult or perhaps impossible to find an industry sector that has not yet increased focus and public promotion of its corporate targets related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) programs.
Fugitive Emissions: The Industrial Valve Equivalent of Spilling a Beer
Accidental, undesirable, costly, consequential, and unintended are all adjectives that can be used to describe spilled beer, but these same descriptors apply to fugitive emissions, and for that reason, fugitive emissions are very much the industrial valve equivalent of spilling a beer.
Reduction of Fugitive Emissions: Valve Testing According to ISO 15848-1
Valves and connectors account for over 90% of emissions from leaking equipment, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The 2023 Market Snapshot of Oil & Gas Valves
The growth in demand for oil & gas valves will likely soften in light of rising interest rates, strong inflationary pressures, and fluctuations in global currencies.
Let it Flow, Let it Flow, Let it Flow
The taps at one’s favorite brewery or beer bar might look like a magic wall that beer flows from when the bartender pulls the tap handle, but there is no magic show.
The Influence of Winding Density on Reliable Sealing Performance
In 2011, leaders in the sealing industry performed testing on spiral wound gaskets to see how the winding density affected the sealing behavior. Prior...
A Guide to Quoting Isolation/Block Valves
The valve industry is growing every day, and with this growth, more and more people are learning about the amazing opportunity to work in valves.
In Biorefining, Bespoke Processes Call for Custom Valve Solutions
Biorefining is a rapidly evolving segment that utilizes a variety of feedstocks and processes to create bioproducts (energy, materials, and chemicals).
Looking at Valves in a New Light: ‘The Beer Pairing’
The thought of grabbing a beer and sitting down to read an article on industrial valves may not have ever occurred to professionals in the water-wastewater, oil & gas, or related industry, but there is a genesis for everything.
Valves for Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
Valve World Americas had the pleasure of speaking with Mike Dunn, JS Machine and Valve, to discuss his experiences and insights into the field of HF valve service and repair, and his advice for those looking to enter this dynamic and challenging industry.