Tag: Alberta

CB&I awarded Kearl oil sands contract

CB&I has been awarded an approximately USD$300 million contract for work on the Kearl Expansion Project in Alberta, Canada by Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. The contract for this phase of the work includes procurement, module assembly at CB&I's Fort Saskatchewan facilities and construction and installation of modular components at the site.

Montney shale play attracting investments

   According to a new report by business intelligence expert GlobalData, operators have been making significant investments in competing for valuable areas in Canada's Montney shale play.

Shell Quest CCS Project invites public comment

      In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their oil sand bitumen upgrader, the Scotford Upgrader in Edmonton, Alberta, Shell Canada Limited is proposing the Shell Quest CCS Project, a fully integrated project involving the capture, transport, injection and storage of carbon dioxide.

Governments implementing Canadian oil sands monito

    The province of Alberta and Canadian federal governments have unveiled the Joint Canada-Alberta Implementation Plan for Oil Sands Monitoring, a plan to increase water, air, land and biodiversity monitoring of the country’s oil sands regions.

CB&I awarded Kearl Oil Sands expansion contract

  CB&I has been awarded a contract by Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd., for work on the Kearl Expansion Project in Alberta.

Major Alberta oil sands project awarded

SNC-Lavalin has been awarded a $650 million plus contract by a major oil sands mining producer to provide engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services for a froth treatment plant near Fort McMurray.

New Canadian refinery on tap

Fluor Corp has been awarded a contract by North West Redwater Partnership to provide front-end engineering and design (FEED) services for a new refinery project in Alberta, Canada.

Approval for coal-fired power plant expansion

The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) recently approved MAXIM Power Corp’s application to construct and operate the 500MW HR Milner Expansion Project (M2).

Oil refinery

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. has been awarded a contract by North West Redwater Partnership to provide detailed engineering, procurement and construction services for the development of a new oil refinery in Alberta, Canada.

Shell signs agreements for CCS project

Shell has signed agreements with the Governments of Alberta and Canada to secure USD 865 million in funding for its Quest Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Project in Canada. The Quest Project will capture and permanently store deep underground more than one million tonnes of CO2 per year