Tag: Aker
SLB Capturi and Aker Solutions Win Contract to Deliver Carbon Capture...
SLB announced that SLB Capturi, in collaboration with Aker Solutions, has been awarded an engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning (EPCIC) contract from Hafslund Celsio AS to deliver a carbon capture solution at its waste-to-energy facility in Klemetsrud, Oslo.
Aker, Petrobras sign subsea service deal in Brazil
Aker Solutions has secured an agreement to provide maintenance and other services for subsea facilities at Petrobras-operated oil and gas fields offshore Brazil.
Aker & Total team-up for subsea development
Aker Solutions and Total, both with numerous operations in North and South America, have recently agreed to collaborate on research and innovation to develop new cost-effective subsea field technology.
Aker subsea electric actuator ready for market
Aker Solutions, with operations in Canada, US and Brazil, has recently introduced newly qualified rotary subsea electric actuators.