Survitec Unveils New Energy Containment Safety Device

Global Survival Technology solutions provider Survitec has launched a pioneering new energy containment safety device designed to reduce the risks associated with catastrophic valve actuator failures.

Severe injury or death can be caused by the explosive forces released if a high-pressure spring-loaded actuator device fails, along with significant damage to equipment and facilities. However, there is often a lack of regular inspection and maintenance, and the risks have attracted little attention in terms of technology or regulation.

Compatible with all valve actuator types, the Survitec Gauntlet is a protective sleeve constructed from lightweight “bullet-proof” para-aramid armouring, 10 times as strong as steel, and designed to contain the unpredictable forces of failure.

Technically qualified by the classification society Lloyd’s Register, the Survitec Gauntlet provides immediate containment protection, enhancing safety measures and minimising potential hazards. It is of minimal weight, placing no additional stress on the actuator, and protects the workings of the actuator from further corrosion and component degradation.

Survitec has supplied its Gauntlets to a majority of operators, including super-majors in the North Sea, and has recently received an order from a Spanish oil and gas operator.

Valve actuator failures offshore are often due to corrosion and the age of the units, with hundreds of actuators in service on each offshore installation.

Courtesy of Survitec.

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