After installing new facilities at its Defender US33 2-29H well in the Hawk Springs project in Goshen County, Wyoming, Samson Oil & Gas has successfully produced oil. On February 12, the well produced 227 barrels of oil bringing the total output to 582 barrels since production started on February 9. This is to have brought in about USD58,200 in gross revenue for the Hawk Spring join venture. Samson holds a 37.5% working interest in the venture and was free carried through development of the well but will have to pay its share of costs going forward, as well performance is established.
The Niobrara is the producing formation at the Silo field located 48km south of Hawk Springs and Defender US33 2-29H is the first Niobrara appraisal well in Samson’s Hawk Springs Project. In the Niobrara, horizontal wells drilled gave average oil recoveries of about 230,000 barrels in comparison to 25,000 barrels for vertical wells.
While drilling the lateral section of the Gretel II 12KA 3 1-30H well in Roosevelt County, Montana, Samson observed oil and gas shows and observed the best shows in a dolomitic lithology that appears to be consistent with the geology of the adjacent Elm Coulee oil field. Before production liner is run, the lateral will be drilled to almost 5000m and will be fracture stimulated and tested. In the same project, Samson is also fracking the Australia II 12KA 6 1-29H well.