Reconsidering Valve Specifications: Looking Beyond Rising Stem Ball Valves

Dehydration of gas in LNG liquefaction plants is one of the most important and critical processes, with major disruption possible in cases where the gas is not properly dried. This article examines the vital role of valves in the process, and offers key criteria for their selection, as well as looking at three alternative valve designs: rising stem ball valves, double eccentric segmented ball valves, and triple eccentric butterfly valves.

By Fabrizio Delledonne, Marketing Manager, and Mike Semens-Flanagan, Global Engineering Director, IMI Critical Engineering

The dehydration of feed gas in LNG plants is a vital part of the liquefaction process, with valves playing a major role. The efficiency of a molecular sieve system is highly dependent on valve performance, specifically tightness and reliability.

In operation, the wet gas flows through tanks, where a solid particle catalyst absorbs the present water content. In liquifying the gas, it is vital that it is completely dry because any water will freeze during the application and dam­age vital areas of the processing plant, such as the piping systems.

To enhance the reaction and regener­ate the catalyst, there is continuous thermal cycling facilitated by valves at the top and bottom of the tank which let the gas come in and out. There are several challenges that these valves face during the course of their opera­tion, from the volume of operational cycles, through to the presence of sol­id particles in the fluid, as well as the thermal cycling itself.

This places the valves under constant strain and raises the threat of costly service disruptions due to critical com­ponent damage. The financial impact of this downtime is serious, not least in an industry where unexpected inter­ruptions can quickly compound. Main­tenance is expensive and often lengthy as the system will need to be recali­brated before going back into produc­tion, and this is before factoring in the additional losses incurred due to lost or contaminated product.

Recent events have brought issues of this kind into sharper focus. In August 2022, Reuters reported that unplanned disruptions at several LNG plants in the U.S., Nigeria, and Australia had caught major traders off-guard, forc­ing them to pay much higher costs for alternative supplies. The final figure is still unknown, but losses from this event easily ran into the hundreds of millions of dollars USD.

It is difficult to offer a definitive figure for the impact poor valves have on LNG pro­duction, but broader estimates from ana­lysts highlight the need for better speci­fication. McKinsey, for example, found that just 3.65 days of unplanned down­time a year costs the oil & gas industry USD $5.037 million. Even shorter periods can lead to noticeable losses, therefore it makes sense for engineers to consider where improvements can be made, even if the components themselves are only a small part of a much larger system.

The dehydration of feed gas in LNG plants is a vital part of the liquefaction process, with valves playing a major role.

Rising Stem Ball Valves

Rising stem ball valves (RSBVs) type is the most frequent choice for valves operating in molecular sieve systems in the LNG sector. These valves are re­quired to cycle frequently (up to three to four times a day). They need to be ca­pable of withstanding thermal cycling, and must be resistant to wear related to the presence of solid catalyst par­ticles in the media. The roto-translatory movement design concept of RSBVs ad­dresses these concerns and makes them suitable for this service.

This explains why conventional ball valves and gate valves are not used for molecular sieve systems. Conven­tional ball valves have continuous line contact between closure member (ball) and seats. If conventional ball valves are used in molecular sieve systems, the seats will tend to wear out very quickly and a tight shut-off cannot be provided.

Challenges associated with rising stem ball valves means the LNG sector is increasingly seeking out alternative designs to lower operational and maintenance costs and improve productivity.

The complex design results in a corre­sponding increase in downtime, opera­tional, and maintenance costs, that are in­creasingly perceived as intolerable for the industry. In fact, in an era of unstable oil & gas prices, with an increased focus on taking a more holistic approach to opera­tions that involve identifying and solving inefficiencies, and in order to reduce op­erational expenditure, the role of RSBVs are coming under ever closer scrutiny.

RSBVs are also heavy and have a large footprint, both of which generate sev­eral direct (material use) and indirect (installation) costs that engineers must account for during front-end engineer­ing design project phases.

The importance of valve weight cannot be overstated, with industry placing a great emphasis on reducing the weight of processing plant components in order to reduce shipping and installation costs.

Maintenance on RSBVs might be a con­cern, with the required substitution of several trim components, including the stem, leading to high maintenance costs, which can even make it more cost-effective to purchase an entirely new valve.

Additional areas of concern include high friction in the shaft and a potential for rotating parts to get stuck, particularly in cases where abrasive fluid enters into the guiding slots. Also, the wear and tear related to the linear movement of the stem may lead to higher emissions compared to quarter turn valves.

Moreover, the valves have to undergo frequent thermal cycles. During regen­eration mode, the molecular sieve is flushed with hot gas, typically at 350°C. During purification mode, it is brought down to ambient temperature.

Gas purification residuals (crushed ad­sorbents) are often present in outlet gases and can pass through screens and flow through the valves towards downstream lines, causing the abrasion of sealing components and jeopardising valve integrity.

Conversely, whenever membranes are used for CO2 removal without pre-treat­ment, corrosive gases (sour/acid) are pres­ent, especially in offshore installations. Historically, non-rubbing rising stem (tilt­ing) ball valves have been the standard used in natural gas molecular sieves.

Key Considerations

There are multiple considerations when specifying valves for the dehydration of feed gas in LNG liquefaction plants, but the key points are as follows.

Firstly, it is necessary that valves should be cavity free. If the valve being used in the process has a cavity, then there is a high possibility that the sieve particles will be trapped inside the cav­ity rendering the valve inoperable after some time.

Secondly, the valves should have me­tallic hard-faced seats. It is impossible to eliminate the contact between the closure member and seats completely during the shut-off time, and therefore it is vital that metallic hard-faced seats are used to avoid any abrasion between closure member and seats.

Thirdly, hard-faced bushings should be used to avoid any abrasion by sieve particles. It is also recommended to use bushing protectors to avoid entry of sieve particles between the stem and valve body.

The temperature of gas used for regen­eration ranges from 200°C to 350°C. This means that valves undergo sig­nificant numbers of thermal cycles. As such, consideration of valve mate­rial and gap to tolerance calculations between closure member and seats should also be taken into consideration.

The Search for Alternative Valve Types

Due to the challenges associated with RSBVs there is an increasing trend for industry to seek out alternative valve designs that can help lower operational and maintenance costs while simulta­neously increasing productivity.

While this move away from RSBV is still in its early stages, a number of the oil majors have already positively evalu­ated and accepted alternative solutions that collectively are pushing the indus­try towards making a change.

Unsurprisingly, this new generation of valves deliver a compact design and a reduction in weight, as well as improv­ing maintenance access and lowering overall operational expenditure.

Triple offset valves are increasingly being adopted for molecular sieve service.

Double Eccentric Segmented Ball Valve

One solution is a double eccentric seg­mented ball valve, that offers a com­pact and simple design. It is easier to maintain and can deliver lower operat­ing costs.

This type of valve is characterized by an eccentric C-shape ball; the cam action provides non-rubbing rotation, which is a key prerequisite for valves operating in molecular sieves services.

In operation, the valve is typically non-rubbing, low running torque, and high-performance mechanical sealing. On this severe service, the ball and seats are hard faced, with chromium carbide on both inner and outer surfaces of the ball, providing the most durable hard surface.

Friction-free operation between the ball and seat makes this type of valve ideal for high cycle and high endurance pro­cesses like molecular sieve switching or high/low temperature operations. Most importantly, this type of valve is cavity-free to eliminate the possibility of an over-pressurized body cavity and has a quarter turn operation that allows for simple and effective automation along with emission-free performance.

Triple Eccentric Metal Seated Butterfly Valve

Another alternative is a triple offset valve. This valve type is being increasingly ad­opted for molecular sieve service for its non-rubbing metal seat design, excellent tightness performance, great compact­ness and full metal construction.

The valve typically has a full metal solid seal ring, which ensures excellent tight­ness performance over time, offering a long service life. Particularly, triple ec­centricity makes it possible to achieve contact between the sealing surfaces only when the valve disc reaches its fully closed position. Special bushings can offer immunity to dirt and polymeric media that can enhance service life and intervals between maintenance checks.

The triple eccentric valve selection of­fers compactness, minimizing space and weight. For valve sizes exceeding 10”, a triple eccentric valve has these advan­tages over comparable valve designs.

Incorrect valve specification can lead to downtime and losses at LNG plants, so engineers should consider where improvements can be made to these components.

Looking Ahead

The importance of the careful selection of valves for molecular sieving process­es can never be overemphasised.

There have been cases where valves have generated unacceptably high an­nual operational and maintenance costs, in turn causing processing plants to suf­fer from product losses far exceeding the purchase price of the valves.

More recently, several plants have turned to alternatives for molecular sieves, choosing quarter turn valves such as triple eccentric butterfly valves and double eccentric segmented ball valves, improving their uptime and sig­nificantly reducing maintenance costs.

Fabrizio Delledonne is the Marketing Manager for IMI Orton and IMI Truflo Italy, both sub-divisions of IMI Critical Engineering. Since joining in 2008, Fabrizio has worked in several regions, including Far East Asia, Europe and America, in roles such as Area Sales Manager and Product Manager. Currently located in Italy, his manufacturing, engineering and instrumentation expertise has led to a greater focus on technical valve design, more specifically around triple eccentric valves.
Mike has over 32 years total experience in engineering and business administration across IMI’s various divisions. Mike has held several Managing Director roles before becoming President of IMI CCI based in the US. Since returning to the UK, Mike has held roles as Director of Strategic Planning and Chief Technology Officer, before taking his current posts as Global Engineering Director in 2019. A chartered engineer with an MBA, Mike has experience of leading global organizations and medium-sized enterprises, supporting commercial growth activities, operations, compliance and controls implementation as well as M&A. Mike has supported innovation for new products and business, including more digital.
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