ProMation Engineering to Expand Valve-Mounting Options

ProMation Engineering is expanding their direct mounting options for valves by adding multiple patterns to existing actuators and introducing new imperial mount patterns for their quarter turn actuators. The new valve mounting options will allow for more economical assemblies of valves and electric actuators by reducing the need for valve/actuator adaptor hardware. 

By offering different mounting patterns on the dual acting quarter turn electric actuator product lines, ProMation’s customers will be able to: allow for more compact and lighter assemblies; decrease or eliminate the need for additional assembly hardware; and, be more cost competitive when offering valve/actuator assemblies.

The metric ISO 5211 dual mount actuators are available on the P1-P6 series of electric actuators. The Imperial mount patterns are currently available on the P1 and P1.A series while the P2-P8 series will be available in late spring.

Image credit: ProMation Engineering
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