PJ Valves is a company that prides itself on continuous improvement. Over the last seven years major and minor developments have meant that they provide fundamentally different and they believe, better service than they did in 2005 – the time of their previous rebrand. PJ Valves has updated their corporate branding and hope that everyone likes the new look and more importantly, the quality of service that it represents.
The main areas that have been developed over the past seven years:
– Project specification knowledge – PJ Valves has developed a “Valve Masterclass” training program which enhances this expertise and transfers knowledge across the company and also to key customers. They review end user specifications so that they understand and comply with current end user and project specifications.
– Supply chain options to suit complex projects- Each project needs a carefully selected, appropriate supply chain. The company has established and continued to develop their partner factories so that they have a strong range to suit most of our customers’ projects. They select factories considering not only the type and complexity of the valves or actuators, but also the current factory capacity loading and performance.
– Size and development of their team – The company employs 75% more staff than they did in 2005 and retain and develop their people. They can therefore apply skilled resources to the most challenging of project valve requirements, manage change and also solve problems quickly. They have also evolved their Quality Management System to reflect the changing challenges of project valve supply and integrated their Quality Management principles and procedures within their business systems.
– Strengthened order management – The project and customer requirements that they supply to are typically complex and dynamic. PJ Valves have invested significantly in the team who manage their orders to ensure that both product and documentation supply runs successfully. Recent developments include an order management facility in Italy which helps manage their Italian factories in native Italian and automated supplier performance reporting that allows them to select and manage sub-suppliers more effectively.
– International offices – Their Houston team allows the company to apply the knowledge built through their UK North Sea experience to the Gulf of Mexico and beyond. Their Italian office improves their supplier connections and performance. These international locations and staff have widened the experience and knowledge within the company which in turn enables the company to serve the markets better.
– PJV Customer Portal – PJ Valves believe they operate the best systems and processes in the industry. They also believe in a transparent and straight forward relationship with customers. As a reflection of this – they have updated their online offering to give customers real-time access to their production and documentation systems alongside support from a specific project manager. Please visit their website to find out more – www.pjvalves.co.uk