Petrobras starts production in Santos Basin

Petrobras has put into operation the FPSO Cidade de Itajaí, starting oil production in block BMS-40 Baúna field, in the post-salt cluster of Southern Santos Basin.
The FPSO is connected to well 9-SPS-88, which can produce up to 12,000 barrels per day. Anther 10 wells (5 production, 4 water injection, and one gas injection) will be connected to the FPSO in the upcoming months, further to the Development Plan of Tiro and Sídon accumulations.
Peak production is expected to be achieved in August.
The new FPSO, which belongs to the OOG-TK (Odebrecht and Teekay) consortium, was converted at the Jurong Shipyard, in Singapore, and chartered to Petrobras. The unit is anchored at a water depth of 275 meters, 210 kilometers off the coast and the produced oil will be carried by relief tankers. Petrobras holds 100 per cent of the exploratory rights of block BMS-40.
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