Petrobras’ total oil and natural gas production in Brazil averaged 2,441 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed) in December 2012, indicating a 3.4% increase from November of the same year. If overseas production is added, Petrobras’ production averaged 2,683 thousand boed, corresponding to a 4.2% rise from November.
This increase was primarily due to a production boost at FPSO Cidade de Anchieta, in Baleia Azul field, which produced 77.7 thousand bpd in December. Another factor that contributed for the production increase was improved operational efficiency at Campos Basin, reflecting the positive effects of PROEF (Operational Efficiency Improvement Program).
Petrobras’ non-liquefied natural gas production in Brazil reached 64,959 thousand cubic meters per day, representing a 4.5% increase compared to November 2012. If the share operated for partners is added, this volume jumps to 71,040 thousand cubic meters per day.
The boost in gas production reflects a production increase at Mexilhão, Lula and Tambaú fields and the start up of FPSO Cidade de Anchieta, in Baleia Azul field.
Total overseas production was 243 thousand boed, corresponding to a 12% hike from the previous month. Of this total, 145 thousand barrels per day were of oil, which represents a 21.8% increase compared to the previous month and was spurred by the reopening of wells at Akpo field following the maintenance shutdown of the production platform in Nigeria.
International natural gas production amounted to 16,535 thousand cubic meters/day, up by 0.9% from November, due to better than expected results at Santa Cruz I Oeste and Neuquina fields, the end of a strike in Argentina and higher demand for Bolivian gas.