The St. Marys Paper Corp. mill near Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, has been shut down for years. But it is slated for restart in conjunction with a combined heat-and-power plant that will be built adjacent to it. St. Marys Renewable Energy Corp. (SREC) is set to operate a 30MW biomass plant which will first power the industrial processes of the mill. The remaining power will be sold to the grid in a 10 year power purchase agreement with the Ontario Power Authority. SREC has negotiated a supply of about 400,000mt of woody biomass such as bark and waste wood from the Algoma and North Shore Crown Forests. Construction on the $175 million plant is expected to begin in 2011, with commercial operation by early 2014. St. Marys existing paper facility is a 220,000 mt/yr pulp and supercalandered paper mill. The bubbling fluidized boilers at the proposed power plant are the first of their kind in Ontario and the new boilers will allow for the decommissioning of existing boilers at the mill, lowering overall emissions, according to the Ontario Power Authority.