Through Nebraska Public Power District received pardon from one federal environment regulation after a U.S. Court of Appeals stayed the Environmental Protection Agency’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule days before it was to go into effect, it will continue with millions of dollars in investments to clean up its coal plants.
The rule aims to protect downwind communities from pollutants emitted from coal-burning power plants and was challenged by lawsuits from several states including Nebraska.
NPPD vice president of government affairs and general counsel, John McClure believes that questions were raised about the rule focusing on nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides that will likely be revisited by the EPA and that he expects a decision on the regulation to be made later this year with the rule re-instated in 2013 should it be approved.
The district intends to move forward with a US35.5 million project to install low-emission burners and equipment at Gerald Gentleman Station. Investments will also likely increase with a second federal rule to control mercury and other toxic emissions. Though the Maximum Achievable Control Technology rule turned out to be more favourable than anticipated, costs to bring the Gerald Gentleman which is rated as the nation’s 17th dirtiest coal-fired plant and the Sheldon Station up to standards could cost between US15-20 million with another US5-7.5 million needed for annual operation and maintenance.
With utilities having three years to comply to the rule, Sheldon and Gentleman should meet the first-of-its kind regulation on pollutants such as chromium, nickel, arsenic, selenium and acid gases using current equipment in place.